There’s no exaggeration in saying that William Shakespeare was the greatest of all times as far as being gifted in the genre of English literature is concerned. He was the one who set the table for the later authors and poets to eat their food on. He popularized literature beyond the concept of being used simply as a mode of communication and means of keeping records – he introduced the entertainment and philosophical parts of the literature to the common.
There are no second thoughts to this – Shakespeare was the greatest of all times. But who are the next best names in English literature? I have compiled a list of 5 authors that according to me are the best in the field of English literature. I decided to do this after I had to do my essay on literature during my papers last semester. And if you need any help in literature, you can seek it from the best essay writing service. Let’s see if you agree or not:

- Geoffrey Chaucer: Considered as the father of English literature, Geoffrey Chaucer still is considered one of the best after Shakespeare. He used to write in a style that was very close to a derivative of Anglo-Saxon language. The language he used was not very different from that used in Beowulf, the epic. He was one of the most influential writers (read poets) in the history of English literature. Some of the most notable works of Chaucer are – The Book of the Duchess, The Canterbury Tales, The House of fame, and many others.

- Charles Dickens: Widely regarded as the most descriptive author in the history of English literature, Charles Dickens had a gift. He could make the reader glide with him throughout the prose. His writings were as good as a film going on in front of your eyes – he was that magical. The characters from his novel have become immortal. Such was the pull that he created towards the characters and towards the English culture. He weaved the words to create imageries in the minds of the readers. Some of the most celebrated of his works are – Great Expectations, Hard Times, A Christmas Carol, David Copperfield, A Tale of Two Cities, and The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby.

- John Donne: Considered as the pioneer of the metaphysical writing style, John Donne was one of the most influential poets in the history. He is most popular in the history for the use of metaphors in his poems. The way he framed and portrayed incidents in his works is what made him famous. There are very less poets who could achieve that level of flexibility in the use of literary tools in their writings. Some of the most notable works of John Donne are – Holy Sonnets, The Flea, The Good Morrow, Death be Not Proud, and The Dream.

- Samuel Taylor Coleridge: Coleridge can be counted as one of the flag bearers of the romantic era of English literature. He is famous for his beautiful wreaths of lyrics that he weaved, and painted a larger than life picture of something as trivial and mundane as a bird. He was the master of personification, simile, and metaphors. Some of his immortally famous works are – The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, Lyrical Ballads, and Kubla Khan.

- John Milton: One of the most celebrated poets in the history of English Literature is John Milton. The very flavour of contrast that his works bring to the Bible is the source of food for thought for some very famous philosophers. ‘Paradise Lost’ was, is, and will be the greatest poem in English literature.